Who Sucks More? Aerosmith or ZZ Top? It is ironic that two of the most overrated bands of all time comprise the book-ends of the alphabet. Let's start with Aerosmith, where the music is at least more tolerable compared to the unlistenable ZZ Top. … [Continue reading]
Elf on the Bleepin’ Shelf
Overrated: Elf On The Shelf Perhaps, the reason I have such animosity towards Elfie is that my kids missed the EOTS window. They were just a tad bit to old too hit the window so I didn't get to experience the magic of the Elf, whatever you name … [Continue reading]
Car Dealership Fires Employee over Facebook Post
Is this a Terminable Offense? This is a fascinating story of social media, automotive dealerships and the NLRB. Without going into enormous detail, here is the a good summary of the article from Automotive News, Social Media Surprise. So, the … [Continue reading]
Overrated: Willy Wonka
Overrated: Grandpa Joe I used to regard the Willy Wonka movie as slightly bizarre but still a decent story… and kids seem to enjoy it. Then the other day, I’m sitting there innocently as someone upset my apple cart. They suggested that the movie … [Continue reading]
Overrated: Faith without Doubt
Don't Be Afraid to Doubt It I’ll start by saying: faith without doubt isn’t really overrated it is non-existent but that doesn’t fit with the theme, so thus it becomes overrated. By definition alone, if you had 100% certainty about something, would … [Continue reading]
Overrated: Libraries
Overrated: Libraries This rant can be a little controversial. I think we should get rid of all libraries. Yep, just get rid of them! I know there are great memories for some of you and even recent memories for some of the moms out there who took … [Continue reading]
Overrated: Scones
Things That Are Overrated: Scones Dry. Brittle. Crumbly. Four bucks at Starbucks. People try to put fruit in them but the fruit just ends up tasting like those red and green things that people put in fruit cake. Which would be another thing … [Continue reading]
Overrated: Cal Ripken, Jr.
Cal Ripken, Jr. The famous rant that has cost me much derision, scorn & contempt… I’m not sure what exactly being “much maligned” means but I think that I am that as well because of my stance on Cal Ripken. So, now I will write words that … [Continue reading]
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